Get in touch
How can we help?
Let us know how we can help and a member of our team will be on touch...
If you would prefer to talk to us you can call 0191 257 4575 where one of our friendly team will be happy to help you.
Our address is:
Everlasting Care Ltd
11 Hedley Court
Orion Business Park
Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate
North Shields
Tyne & Wear
NE29 7ST
Referrals can be made directly to Everlasting Care by calling 0191 2574575 or via our email address: or through your social worker who can contact us directly on your behalf.

find out more about our divisions…

Day Centre
Click here to find out more about our new day centre in North Shields.

Domiciliary Care
Click here to find out about our domiciliary care division.